Printed Invitations FAQs

We offer 2 options:

  1. Standard Delivery (Delivery time: Approximately 30 days from the order date). Fees calculation: Quantity ✖️ RM0.30
  2. Express Delivery (Delivery time: Approximately 15 days from the order date). Fees calculation: Quantity ✖️ RM1

📌 Estimated delivery time only. We cannot guarantee 100% accuracy but will do our best to meet deadlines.

Please place your order early to avoid delays.

You choose a template, and we create it for you. You can correct errors or incorrect information, but the design itself follows the selected template and cannot be customized.

Choose templates here:

Please note that the information provided here reflects Xamiya Wedding's current policies. Customers are advised to consult Xamiya Wedding directly for any updates or changes to these policies.

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